As a trading company in the areas of infrastructure and aerospace within Mitsubishi Corporation Group, Mitsubishi Corporation Machinery recognizes that the simultaneous generation of economic, social, and environmental value through its business activities is essential to our sustainable growth. We therefore have been contributing to the economic growth of emerging countries through the construction of industrial and social infrastructures, supply of plants, systems and equipment, as well as to realization of a safer social environment through the import of related systems and equipment in the aerospace field to Japan.

Achieving Sustainable Growth for
the MC Group and Society

The MC Group aims to deliver sustainable growth by adapting to changes in the business environment and fulfilling societal needs in due consideration for the United Nationsʼ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To achieve this aim, the MC Group shall rely on three core strengths, namely its collective capabilities to adopt a holistic view of industry, the foresight to identify new seeds of growth, and its execution skills to germinate them.

Simultaneously Generating Economic Value,
Societal Value and Environmental Value
through Our Businesses

The effects of climate change are becoming more serious every year, and are having a significant impact on the environment and society, as well as on people's lives and corporate business activities. There is a growing demand for companies to work toward a low-carbon and decarbonized society through their business activities. We believe that climate change, which will have a significant impact on the Earth (ecosystem), people, and corporate activities, poses threats for us, but also presents new business opportunities.

Based on this recognition, we aim to grow as the "Infrastructure Solutions Provider that contributes to the development of a sustainable society" by helping to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations through its business and by proactively engaging in new businesses such as renewable energy that contribute to the transition to a low-carbon society.

We also respect human rights, prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, creed, religion or any other grounds, prohibit harassment, and aim to establish a "Dignified and Comfortable Work Environment" where employees with various lifestyles and values can fully demonstrate their abilities with the slogans of “Courtesy, Communication, and Collaboration.” We support for work styles that emphasize work and life balance, introduce a leave system to help employees balance work with childcare and nursing care, and are implementing measures to support the activities of females and senior employees.

We have established five key sustainability issues (Materiality) to contribute to the SDGs through our business and activities to establish a “Dignified and Comfortable Work Environment.

Key Sustainability Issues

Mitsubishi Corporation Machinery has identified five key sustainability issues that are essential to its growth as the Infrastructure Solutions Provider that earns the trust of society and contributes to the development of a sustainable society. The five Key Sustainability Issues (Materiality) are;

  • 1

    Building resilient infrastructure where all people can live with peace of mind and access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy.

  • 2

    Building social and industrial infrastructures to support sustainable growth in developing countries.

  • 3

    Proactively engage in new businesses to help realize a low-carbon society.

  • 4

    Maintaining and improving a "Dignified and Comfortable Work Environment" for all employees.

  • 5

    Conservation of the natural environment through energy and resource conservation in office activities.

12 SDGs
we wish to contribute through
our business activities

As part of our efforts to realize a low-carbon society and conserve the natural environment, mainly through our office activities, we have formulated “Environmental Management System” and established “Environmental Policy”, aiming to realize a sustainable society through energy and resource conservation.

Environmental Management System / Environmental Policy

Environmental Management System / Environmental Policy

Mitsubishi Corporation Machinery has established an environmental management system based on its Environmental Charter, and has formulated the following "Environmental Policy" in an effort to preserve the global environment through its business activities and to realize a sustainable society.

  1. Compliance with environment-related laws and regulations
    We will uphold environmental laws and standards in addition to our own environmental commitments.
  2. Efforts to improve the environment
    (1) We will make efforts to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in order to address climate change.
    (2) We will make efforts to reduce resource and energy consumption.
    (3) We recognize the importance of biodiversity and will pay close attention to our impact on the natural environment.
  3. Continuously improve the environmental management system
    We will strive for continuous utilization and improvement to our EMS in line with our business activities.
  4. Disclosure of the environmental policy
    We will ensure that our Environmental Policy is conveyed to all of our employees, and we will promote understanding through training and dissemination efforts. We will also publicly disclose our Environmental Policy.